BACKGROUND: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for pediatric obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) is effective, although many individuals report they need continued support after completing treatment.
METHODS: Six monthly drop-in booster sessions were offered to 94 youth with OCD and their parents who previously had completed a 12-week group family-based CBT program (GF-CBT). This report describes program utilization rates and participant satisfaction levels.
RESULTS: Twenty-three percent (n = 22) of invited youths with OCD attended ≥1 booster session; 63% of attendees participated in >1 session. The mean number of attended sessions was 2.84 (standard deviation = 1.74). No significant group differences between booster attendees and non-attendees were found in terms of age, sex, ethnicity, parental education, or symptom severity at baseline or end of GF-CBT. Booster session attendees were more likely to have comorbidities than non-attendees (82% vs 58%; P = .045). Most participants were recent treatment completers (59%). Based on participant feedback, booster sessions were valuable, with perceived benefits related to peer interaction and support, skills review, and homework development.
CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive-behavioral therapy booster sessions for pediatric OCD seem to be an acceptable approach that a significant percentage of recent treatment completers would utilize. Further research is needed to examine program efficacy and to draw conclusions about key program features.